Eightieth Anniversary O MaharajaPrevail Ye above perils near and afarDispenses of all Thy wealth and richesThat joy befalls deprived masses.
If Raja followed righteous pathsClerics high would heed, avarice gashedElse, refrain from black magic vicesExorcize from our Capital Golden Site
Siam will pursue Eternal TruthStops caressing whites' rumps profuseReturns to Tai-Laos wisdoms long ensued Ending conflicts Muslim-Malayus
For blessings to be fulfilledUpholds Thyself in penitenceWalks the path One Enlightened GuruSeeks at Thy side those wise and astute
Faithfuls will utter odious to regal earsDare flout royal wishes and peersOnly to serve nation's needs genuineExhort the Crown in joyful ‘Halleluiahs'!
Those fawning, flattering, fudging,Surround Thy side with praise conjurationDire keepers of royal possessionsSpawning waste to one's revelation
Besides, usurpers of coup d'etatDistant Thyself ranked militiaMete out Thy power to the domainCommencing with the Sovereign
Siam democracy old and ancientDerived from Sangha's traditionDwelling within Tai-life of yoreLending to life untainted grandeur
Espouses ideal true libertyHuman right, honor, dignity, Multitude wronged and oppressedNation's structures most warped, depressed
If corrected beneath true penchantLead to royal propitious exaltationRemoving blemishes of the reignInto ‘seventh heaven' when life eternal
Scores of illnesses corporalLess dismal than veiled attendantsWith piercing ache to cranium, pummel,Exact Dharmic verses to right immoral
Religious rituals not cust' sacredObserves ‘Trisika' veneratedGladly admit aberrant errsAnd truth will abide by Thy seer
At last, nation will Dharma flourishBy One honor-dignity leadsBestowing happiness to this realmAccolades not vernacular sham!
Crown Property, chattels of royal SovereignBe banished to distance afarA communal gift of munificence So imparts opulence to Thy province May it please Your Majesty
If Raja followed righteous pathsClerics high would heed, avarice gashedElse, refrain from black magic vicesExorcize from our Capital Golden Site
Siam will pursue Eternal TruthStops caressing whites' rumps profuseReturns to Tai-Laos wisdoms long ensued Ending conflicts Muslim-Malayus
For blessings to be fulfilledUpholds Thyself in penitenceWalks the path One Enlightened GuruSeeks at Thy side those wise and astute
Faithfuls will utter odious to regal earsDare flout royal wishes and peersOnly to serve nation's needs genuineExhort the Crown in joyful ‘Halleluiahs'!
Those fawning, flattering, fudging,Surround Thy side with praise conjurationDire keepers of royal possessionsSpawning waste to one's revelation
Besides, usurpers of coup d'etatDistant Thyself ranked militiaMete out Thy power to the domainCommencing with the Sovereign
Siam democracy old and ancientDerived from Sangha's traditionDwelling within Tai-life of yoreLending to life untainted grandeur
Espouses ideal true libertyHuman right, honor, dignity, Multitude wronged and oppressedNation's structures most warped, depressed
If corrected beneath true penchantLead to royal propitious exaltationRemoving blemishes of the reignInto ‘seventh heaven' when life eternal
Scores of illnesses corporalLess dismal than veiled attendantsWith piercing ache to cranium, pummel,Exact Dharmic verses to right immoral
Religious rituals not cust' sacredObserves ‘Trisika' veneratedGladly admit aberrant errsAnd truth will abide by Thy seer
At last, nation will Dharma flourishBy One honor-dignity leadsBestowing happiness to this realmAccolades not vernacular sham!
Crown Property, chattels of royal SovereignBe banished to distance afarA communal gift of munificence So imparts opulence to Thy province May it please Your Majesty